воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Skype investor invested in the Russian IT startup

Venture investor Mangrove Capital Partners announced investments in the Russian company advertising in online games EnterMedia. Top managers of Mangrove Capital, known as the first investor in Skype, told CNews, what conditions must satisfy a start to interest foreign investors.

The Russian advertising agency EnterMedia, busy placing in-game advertising. Last year the company began to place dynamic ads in casual games, online and PC games using the technology Egoset, which allows you to target my ad impressions. ... During the day it is mostly office workers '.

European venture capital firm Mangrove known as the first investor, who believed in Skype. In 2003,. It has invested in Skype $ 1,9 млн. in 2005. exit from the project has received from eBay $ 180 million. Her fund of Mangrove Capital Partners specializes in companies in the early phase of development.

Told CNews its managing partner, Mark Toulouse (Mark Tluszcz), a year he has seen about a thousand requests for investment, of which usually receive funding for eight.

According to him, to rely on investment Mangrove, a startup must comply with three conditions: to possess the know-how (EnterMedia - the first company who developed the in-game dynamic ads using flash); « have global ambitions...

Toulouse, Mark (Mark Tluszcz), Managing Partner of Mangrove Capital Partners: when you exit the business, we want to have at least $ 100 million.
all galleries.

EnterMedia - second Russian investment Mangrove, first was a visual search engine Quintura. Toulouse, Mark told CNews, venture at the time regarded as an object for investment famous Russian internet startups ... However, this problem is not only the Russian networks, specify in the Mangrove: « no social network in the world does not have a good plan for monetization...

How the agency will receive from the Mangrove EnterMedia, partners did not disclose. However, Toulouse, told CNews, that in the year the fund typically invests $ 80 million. 8-10 companies, and offered to do further calculations on their own. With joint investment from the ABRT to share Mangrove typically accounts for three quarters, and a quarter - the share of its Russian partner.

After negotiating with investors, CEO EnterMedia Weiner nonetheless accurate in forecasting. Although he calls dynamic advertising in online and casual games, ... he intends to take up to 5 % market share of Internet banner advertising, and the next year, ...

Analyst ... ... Then, in the aggregate on banners and in the casual and online games to earn $ 10 million. : Online games are becoming a fashionable topic of the advertiser, ... Cautious EnterMedia intention to leave next year to 10 % of the market meet the same careful assessment of the analyst: ...

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